Buriburi And Pigeon’s Plastic Music Video

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A Call to Action

In a recent music video released by the duo Buriburi and Pigeon, the artists have taken a bold step towards raising awareness about the menace of plastic waste. The video, titled “Plastic,” is a powerful visual representation of the impact of plastic pollution on our environment.

The video opens with a stunning aerial view of a beach littered with plastic waste, with the artists singing about the irony of how something as seemingly innocuous as a plastic straw can end up harming marine ###. As the video progresses, the artists take us on a journey through the different stages of plastic waste, from its production to its eventual decomposition.

One of the most striking aspects of the video is the use of stop-motion animation, which effectively conveys the message that plastic waste is not just a problem for the environment, but also for the creatures that inhabit it. The artists use this technique to show how plastic waste can entangle and suffocate marine animals, highlighting the urgent need for action.

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